
Repairing Mountain Bikes

It would seem that bikes that can cost upwards of two or three thousand dollars would include more information about mountain bike repair than a few pages in booklet form. Regardless of this lack of information, every rider needs to become familiar with a few of the basic needs of mountain bike repair simply to maintain their bike in good working order. After all, a wheel falling off during a downhill run can have devastating effects on…

Maintain the Chain a Necessary Bike Skill

The chain is the crucial element of a bicycle – if it breaks, you aren’t going anywhere. So proper maintenance is essential. Of all the components on your bike, the chain is the most important. No chain….no go! Proper chain maintenance will extend the life of your chain – although any chain should be replaced after you’ve put 1000 miles on it. Don’t use a chain any longer that necessary – if its rusted or stretched, it’s…


